Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Birthdays and General Conference

happy 50th birthday! (51 for Steve)
We were spoiled rotten for our birthday this year--we were sang to multiple times, received videos and photos from grandkids, and Vanessa, one of our new young adults, made this beautiful cake for us!  She surprised us with it at our activity friday night--it was filled with cream and strawberries--and was delicious.  Conference was a treat for me--I watched in English:)--and also invited all the missionaries over for lunch/dinner between sessions.  Since our piso is about a 10 minute walk from the church, it was perfect.  It was really nice to feed someone else since I was missing our family so much.
all the missionaries serving on Mallorca together for food!


  1. im so glad they made your a cake!!! They are taking such great care of you!

  2. El gigante Mc Arthur y su dulce esposa! Qué bendición tenerlos aquí! Les quiero! :)
